Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Civil Rights Act - less Free

The civil rights act took away freedom from both the blacks and whites. Neither group could not run their business as they pleased. Now government tells a person how to run their business, who they have to hire, who they can fire, what they have to pay, and more. If we would have canceled out the jim crow laws, the blacks would have their full freedoms. The whites also would not have lost freedoms. So the Civil rights acts made us less free.


  1. What about the freedom to go where one chooses? Didn't the civil rights act give all people of all races more freedom to do what they want and go where they want by outlawing restrictions based on sex or race? How would repealing the civil rights act give more freedom than what it provides by being instated?

  2. What is the opposite of a right, a wrong. If we all lost liberties when they passed civil rights laws maybe we should call them civil wrongs. Eliminate the jim crow laws and apply the Constitution. By restricting a person rights, (business owner, a person)took rights away.

  3. One of the biggest arguments against the constitution protecting civil rights (and I agree) is that the constitution was either written by idiots or hypocrites. If the constitution protected against slavery, then why were some of it's authors slave owners, and why did slavery exist after it was enacted? Either the authors didn't see slaves as people (and therefore were idiots) or the authors thought the law didn't apply to them. How can you trust a document written by these people?

  4. The founders didn't recognize slaves as people. So, to make them free, it was only necessary to correct a wrong perception.
