Monday, November 12, 2012

Why Governments are bad.

Just thinking here.  The first order of business of any organization, and i might add, the most important, is to raise money so that the organization can operate.  If they earn this money, they're generally honest, hard working, reliable, and dependable.  If not, people wouldn't voluntarily give them their money, no matter how good the deal sounded.  Now, if you got your money at the point of a gun, then none of the above would necessarily apply.  You can see why psychopaths would do well in the latter scenario.

All organizations that earn their money need to justify their existence on a daily basis.  Good morel priciples play a big part.  They golden rule would fit into the organization very well.

All organization the take by force their operating money, do not have ot earn it and good morel principles need to be turned inside out to work.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Concentrated benefits with diffused cost.

Concentrated benefits and diffused cost:  This is why we have so little control over government.  The people, hundreds or thousands, that receives the benefits are relativity few, and their benefits are high. The cost then, are diffused among millions and  therefore seemingly low.  The high benefits greatly motivates the receivers to keep these benefits and the very cost are diffused to many payers, therefore, the people paying the seemingly low cost, are little motivated to fight these costs.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ego Card

The Ego Card replaces government. A blend of Equifax, Ebay, and Facebook, the Ego Card. If you lie, cheat, or steal, you would suffer because it will show up on the Ego Card. If you truthtell, be honest, and productive, it will show up on the Ego Card. Your social contacts will treat you how you deserve to be treated. No need for government and their monopolistic force. No Taxes, all motivation to do good.

The key is that there is no external force that is using a gun to tell the individual what they can or cannot do. The power of the Ego card is an internal force (self jreservation) that is within all of us, naturally.